10 Anxiety self-help tips for those extreme anxiety days

Living with anxiety disorder is challenging, to say the least. There are days when you feel on top of the world but then there are those extreme anxiety days when you want to crawl into bed and just stay there until you feel better.
Here are 10 Anxiety Self Help Tips For Those Extreme Anxiety Days to make those days a little more bearable:
1. Stay hydrated
Lack of hydration can bring about something beyond thirst and dry lips. It can also get your heart racing and make you feel unsteady and dazed, all regular occurrences during an anxiety attack. Make sure to drink a lot of water for the duration of the day to fight off any “thirst induced” emotional episodes.
2. Breathe deeply
Bring attention to your breathing – remember to breathe from your diaphragm and not your chest. By concentrating on your breathing, you will start to relax.
3. Go for a walk in nature
Natural environments are more restorative according to research. Strolling around a natural green place is good for the brain as it stops people dwelling on negative repetitive thoughts.
4. Listen to calming music
Create a playlist with music you find relaxing and peaceful, put on your earphones and lose yourself in the music. Music is not only a distraction but proven to be highly effective when managing anxiety.
5. Drink chamomile tea and other herbal teas
Drinking herbal teas for anxiety is effective and safe as it’s non-addictive, completely natural and can be used as needed. Chamomile and Kava tea are among the most used to ease anxiety but make sure to buy pure and quality products from a tea shop for maximum effect.
6. Talk to somebody who understands
People are often weary of talking to someone about anxiety for the fear of being laughed at or not taken seriously. It is important to talk to someone you can trust like a parent, teacher or psychologist. If you find it hard to talk about it, try writing a letter and letting them read it with you. It’s ok to ask for help.
7. Eat a comfort but healthy meal
Anxiety can cause sugar cravings and make you want to eat more than usual. Be mindful when choosing a comfort meal as eating unhealthy foods might make you feel worse. Steer clear of refined sugars and carbs.
8. Have a warm bubble bath
Unbeknown to many people, hot baths are one of the most understated health tools available to us. Hot baths promote the flow of endorphins, which helps with anxiety. When feeling overwhelmed having a bath and soaking in warm water has a soothing effect, which simulates the effects of a hug.
9. Use lavender oil
Essential oils are an effective way of treating anxiety. It’s as simple as inhaling the oil’s scent, receiving a massage or adding it to your bathtub. Lavender oil is great for relaxation and one of the most popular choices.
10. Meditate
Meditation relieves anxiety and depression and puts it in perspective. We have a bad habit of clinging to negative emotions which in turn can cause anxiety. By meditating, you allow yourself to recognise these emotions and then letting them go.
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