Myra Grisdale - Espey
is the founder of the organization, that for decades has broken barriers in thinking and behavior!

To END ANXIETY completely.
Is this possible?
With Myra at your side

She is a pioneer in change and change management.
Transforming lives, to ensure that every individual learns to understand themselves better, discover their true dreams,
passions and goals and finally work through plans, strategies, and processes to not only achieve these but to ensure that their lives are lived with passion and purpose.
These result in real and sustainable happiness, health, wealth, and true Peace of Mind.
She spent many years in the senior corporate arena so knows how that works and feels. In this world, her work helped individuals who were disempowered to find their voice and enabled them to have the confidence to grow into people and positions they wanted.
She noticed an increase in anxiety, anxiety-related sick leave, and anxiety-related illnesses or breakdowns. Her work moved towards intervention to regain surety and confidence to those who were stumbling, many not able to expose how difficult it was for them. Low esteem is often a huge contributor of anxiety. She gained a reputation and soon had clients pursuing her to help them regain their equilibrium.
Her focus moved to work with individuals who were struggling to achieve their highest potential, through various issues that were holding them back.
She moved into the anti-suicide field and became passionate about the fact that INTERVENTION is essential for even mild anxiety to prevent situations from escalating.

She was part of the movement that brought depression into the open. Overtime and working with thousands of people she worked on intervention methods different from existing ones. After many more years of research she discovered evidence of what she already believed, that the brain can change and therefore, behavior and results can change. This became known as NEUROPLASTICITY. Norman Doidge’s book “The Brain that Changes” fast-tracked her to put together a formal program to combat anxiety. Even if your anxiety has a genetic base, this program will work for you.